This briefing utilises KnowTheChain data on 129 companies from nine benchmarks across three high-risk sectors: ICT, food and beverage, and apparel and footwear to influence the development of mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence legislation (mHREDD). It provides evidence of the current state-of-play of company efforts and the slow rate of change over time to introduce human rights due diligence processes to identify and prevent forced labour in global supply chains. It also underlines key elements for effective regulation and includes recommendations for governments, companies, and investors.
On average, companies score a mere 29% for their human rights due diligence efforts in KnowTheChain’s latest benchmarks. This report provides new evidence of the urgent need for voluntary action to be strengthened with robust regulatory requirements for companies to identify human rights risks and prevent abuse. It also underlines the key elements of effective regulation to ensure due diligence does not become just another administrative ‘box-ticking’ exercise by companies.