To avoid the exploitation of migrant workers and other workers in vulnerable conditions in its supply chains, the company takes steps to ensure these workers understand the terms and conditions of their recruitment and employment and also understand their rights. It further takes steps to ensure its suppliers refrain from restricting workers’ movement, and it provides evidence of how it works with suppliers to ensure the rights of workers in vulnerable conditions are respected.
Migrant workers and other workers in vulnerable conditions are at a higher risk of being in forced labor, and additional steps are needed to ensure their rights are respected. Conditions which render workers vulnerable may include characteristics such as gender or age and external factors, including workers’ legal status, employment status, economic conditions, and work environment (such as isolation, dependency on the employer, or language barriers). The company: (1) takes steps to ensure migrant workers in its supply chains understand the terms and conditions of their recruitment and employment and also understand their rights; (2) takes steps to ensure its suppliers refrain from restricting workers’ movement, including through the retention of passports or other personal documents against workers’ will; and (3) discloses at least two outcomes of steps it has taken to ensure respect of the fundamental rights and freedoms of supply chain workers in vulnerable conditions (those articulated in the ILO core labor standards, which include the elimination of forced labor).