Using Our Data
Where any businesses or other third parties wish to use or replicate KnowTheChain data, content or materials in any way, we request that our status as author be acknowledged. Where our data is used or replicated by third parties, KnowTheChain does not warrant or support the conclusions or statements made. Additionally, we ask that where our data is used, we are sourced as KnowTheChain and a link is provided to our website where the benchmark data is hosted, as this also provides links to our benchmark reports, which provide the accompanying analysis to our benchmark scores.
We reserve the right to disallow users from further using our data if, in our assessment, these are used to attempt, perpetuate, or cause harm and violations of human rights.
In addition, please note the below points which may be useful in particular for the following audiences:
We welcome the use of our data by investors, who may wish to download our full datasets or access our investor briefs per sector. KnowTheChain is committed to providing factual information on the companies that are assessed. However, KnowTheChain does not make any guarantee or other promise, representation, or warranty as to the completeness of the statements of fact contained within, or any results that may be obtained from using our content. Neither this content, nor any examples cited, constitute investment advice, nor should it be used to make any investment decision without first consulting one’s own financial advisor and conducting one’s own research and due diligence. KnowTheChain does not receive any payment, compensation, or fee for the use or citation of any information included in this content. To the maximum extent permitted by law, KnowTheChain disclaims any and all liability in the event any information, commentary, analysis, opinions, advice, and/or recommendations prove to be inaccurate, incomplete, or unreliable, or result in any investment or other losses. We reserve the right to disallow users from further using our data if, in our assessment, these are used to attempt, perpetuate, or cause harm and violations of human rights.

We welcome the use of our data by companies to explore good practices, recommendations for improvement, and analyze trends and progress in the sector.
Where companies are interested in using our logo, please contact: companies@knowthechain.org to get written consent from Business & Human Rights Resource Centre.
We would also ask that companies who wish to use our logo for disclosure in a particular publication or webpage, should please also disclose the most recent benchmark score for your company in that same publication or webpage.