To avoid the exploitation of migrant workers in its supply chains, the company ensures migrant workers understand the terms and conditions of their recruitment and employment, and also understand their rights. It further ensures its suppliers refrain from restricting workers’ movement, and that migrant workers are not discriminated against, and not retaliated against, when they raise grievances. The company provides evidence of how it works with suppliers to ensure migrant workers’ rights are respected.
The company: (1) ensures migrant workers understand the terms and conditions of their recruitment and employment, and also understand their rights; (2) ensures its suppliers refrain from restricting workers’ movement, including through the retention of passports or other personal documents against workers’ will; (3) ensures migrant workers are not discriminated against, and not retaliated against, when they raise grievances; and (4) provides evidence of how it works with suppliers to ensure migrant workers’ rights are respected.