The company ensures a formal mechanism to report a grievance to an impartial entity regarding labor conditions in the company’s supply chains is available to its suppliers’ workers and relevant stakeholders. The company ensures that the mechanism is effective across its supply chains.
The company: (1) ensures a formal mechanism to report a grievance to an impartial entity regarding labor conditions in the company’s supply chains is available to its suppliers’ workers and relevant stakeholders; (2) ensures that the existence of the mechanism is communicated to its suppliers’ workers; (3) ensures that workers or an independent third -party are involved in the design or performance of the mechanism, to ensure that its suppliers’ workers trust the mechanism; (4) discloses data about the practical operation of the mechanism, such as the number of grievances filed, addressed, and resolved, or an evaluation of the effectiveness of the mechanism; and (5) provides evidence that the mechanism is available and used by workers below tier one in its supply chains, or by relevant stakeholders in key supply chain contexts.