Ryohin Keikaku Co. Ltd. (Ryohin Keikaku), a Japanese consumer goods and household retailer, ranks 46th out of 65 companies. The company’s score is based on its performance across the themes of Commitment & Governance, Purchasing Practices, Worker Voice and Monitoring. Since 2021, the company began disclosing board oversight of supply chain policies that address forced labour and limited data on first tier suppliers. It does not disclose improvements across other themes. The company performs above average on the theme of Purchasing Practices, as a result of its partnership with the Better Work programme and by providing limited information about planning processes. It performsparticularly poorly on the themes of Recruitment and Remedy. Despite sourcing at least five high risk raw materials, the company does not disclose sourcing countries of these materials, nor does it disclose its methodology for conducting a human rights risk assessment or the risks identified as a result. KnowTheChain identified one allegation of Uyghur forced labour in the company’s supply chains. However, the company does not disclose the steps it has taken to address the risks of alleged Uyghur forced labour across raw materials and supply chain tiers.
The company is encouraged to improve its performance and disclosure on the themes of Traceability & Risk Assessment, Recruitment and Remedy.