Findings by Theme
Overall Score: 30
The 2020 benchmark assesses 49 of the largest ICT companies across the benchmark's seven themes, which were developed to capture the key areas where companies need to take action to eradicate forced labor from their supply chains: commitment; traceability and risk assessment; purchasing practices; recruitment; worker voice; monitoring; and remedy. There are a total of 21 indicators across the seven themes. For each theme a company can score a total of 100 points.
SEE SCORES & RANKINGSSummary of Results
This theme measures the extent to which a company has established corrective action processes for non-compliant suppliers and ensures that remedy is provided to its supply chain workers who are victims of labor rights violations. It incorporates allegations of forced labor that have occurred in...
Indicator Sectors
Corrective Action Plans
The company has a process to create corrective action plans with suppliers found to violate its policies, with the goal of improving conditions and achieving respect of the ILO core labor standard...
Read MoreRemedy Programs
The company has a process to provide remedy to workers in its supply chains in cases of forced labor and human trafficking. If no allegation regarding forced labor in the company's supply chains h...
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Tesco discloses that, where it has identified shortfalls in wages paid by suppliers to their workers, it ensures they are remediated. It states that 26,723 workers received a total of US$1,005,400; in another payment dispute, workers received US$1,267,242.

Overall Score: 28
The 2020 benchmark assesses 43 of the largest food and beverage companies across the benchmark's seven themes, which were developed to capture the key areas where companies need to take action to eradicate forced labor from their supply chains: commitment; traceability and risk assessment; purchasing practices; recruitment; worker voice; monitoring; and remedy. There are a total of 21 indicators across the seven themes. For each theme a company can score a total of 100 points.
SEE SCORES & RANKINGSSummary of Results
This theme measures the extent to which a company has established corrective action processes for non-compliant suppliers and ensures that remedy is provided to its supply chain workers who are victims of labor rights violations. It incorporates allegations of forced labor that have occurred in...
Indicator Sectors
Corrective Action Plans
The company has a process to create corrective action plans with suppliers found to violate its policies, with the goal of improving conditions and achieving respect of the ILO core labor standard...
Read MoreRemedy Programs
The company has a process to provide remedy to workers in its supply chains in cases of forced labor and human trafficking. If no allegation regarding forced labor in the company's supply chains h...
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Tesco discloses that, where it has identified shortfalls in wages paid by suppliers to their workers, it ensures they are remediated. It states that 26,723 workers received a total of US$1,005,400; in another payment dispute, workers received US$1,267,242.

Overall Score: 41
The 2021 benchmark assesses 37 of the largest apparel and footwear companies across the benchmark's seven themes, which were developed to capture the key areas where companies need to take action to eradicate forced labor from their supply chains: commitment; traceability and risk assessment; purchasing practices; recruitment; worker voice; monitoring; and remedy. There are a total of 21 indicators across the seven themes. For each theme a company can score a total of 100 points.
SEE SCORES & RANKINGSSummary of Results
This theme measures the extent to which a company has established corrective action processes for non-compliant suppliers and ensures that remedy is provided to its supply chain workers who are victims of labor rights violations. It incorporates allegations of forced labor that have occurred in...
Indicator Sectors
Corrective Action Plans
The company has a process to create corrective action plans with suppliers found to violate its policies, with the goal of improving conditions and achieving respect of the ILO core labor standard...
Read MoreRemedy Programs
The company has a process to provide remedy to workers in its supply chains in cases of forced labor and human trafficking. If no allegation regarding forced labor in the company's supply chains h...
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Tesco discloses that, where it has identified shortfalls in wages paid by suppliers to their workers, it ensures they are remediated. It states that 26,723 workers received a total of US$1,005,400; in another payment dispute, workers received US$1,267,242.