Different supply chains contexts
This term is used to evaluate if o company Is taking action beyond a one-off pilot project a. can provide examples of implementation that refer to Wfferent sourcing countries, raw materials, or tiers of its supply chain.
Forced Labor
According to the International Labour Organixation (ILO) Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (N0290 forced or compulsory labor Is: .811 work or service which is exacted from any person under We Wreat of a penalty a. for which We person has not offered himself or herself voluntanly! The ILO further notes that Wuced labor can be understood as work that is perform. involuntarily and under the menace of any penalty. It refers to situations in which persons are coerced to work through We use of violence or intimiffnion. or by more subtle means such 50 manipulated debt, retention of identity papers, or threats of denunciation to Immigration authorities!
FFirst tier of supply chains / First-ter suppliersorced Labor
Suppliers with whom the company has direct contractual relationships.
ILO core laborstandards
Fundamental rights at work are ut out in and are often referred to as the ILO core labor standards and cover (Of reedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, (10 the elimination of all fonts of forced or compulsory labor; (0)
We eft ective abolition of child labor; and (0) the elimination of discrimination In respect of employment and occupation. (See ILO Declaration on the Fundamental Rights and Principles at Work).
Leg itr Mat a repreaentativ.
Legitimate repreSentatives are tho. that the aFfeCted Or potentially affected workers have asked to represent them. They can Include (but Orator limited to) community representatives. legal representatives a. trade unions. community-based orga.ations, and civil society organizations.
Supply chains / Suppliers
“Supply chains” and “suppliers” refer to all the supply chains that are directly relffed to the companys creation of products in the relevant e g (electronics, food end beverage, apparel and footwear). Where no further specification Is provided, companies should report as a minimum on policies and practices applicable to all of their first-tier suppliers.
Additional reporting on belowthe-firsittier inCHWW1 rew SuPPiierS. is
Supply chain tiers
Refers to the distance between a company and its supplier and indicates that there can be several different business relationships that link a company and a below-the.. ler supplier. For example, a company may have first-tier manufacturing suppliers, which source from below-the-first-tier suppliers. which in turn source from raw material suppliers.
My individual or organization that may affect or . affected by a umpany’s actions and decisions. In the UN Guiding Principles on Business B Human Rig (the UN Guiding Principles) the primary focus H on affected or poteWially affected stakeholders, meaning individuals whose human rights have been or may be affected by a company’s operations, products, or services. Other particularly relevant stakeholders in the context of the UN
Guiding Principles are the legitimate representatives or potentially affected stakeholders. including trade unions, as well as civil society organizations and others with experience and expertise related to business impacts on human rights.
Taking steps to ensure
“Supply chains” and “suppliers” refer to all the supply chains that are directly relat. to the companys creation of products lathe relevant ureter/ (electronics, food andneveage, apparel and footwear). Where no further specification Is provid., companies should report as a minimum on policies a. practices applicable to all of their first-tier suppliers.
Additional reporting on below-the-first-tier suppliers, Including row aterial suppliers, is welcome.
The term Is used to describe workers W a company, supply chains, as opposed to w0Weil contracted or subcontracted to work for the company itself.