H&M is part of a Global Framework Agreement focusing on freedom of association and collective bargaining; it includes expectations for its direct suppliers and subcontractors. As part of the agreement, the company has set up national monitoring committees in six countries, which oversee implementation of the agreement. It stated that the committees cover more than 750,000 workers who can raise issues via the committees. It also disclosed some information on the types of issues resolved.
Puma disclosed social KPIs at its core suppliers (59 suppliers, representing 82% of volume), which included the percentage of workers covered by collective bargaining agreements per region (as well as the percentage of workers covered by social insurance and the percentage of permanent workers and wages paid above the local minimum wage). The data is broken down by sourcing country and year-on-year data points are provided over a three-year period. The data showed that the percentage of workers covered by collective bargaining agreements increased from 22% in 2017 to 25% in 2019 (however, this decreased from 27% in 2018).